Ashley's Place!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Monday September 18/06

Thought provoking day!

This morning in field we had Major Geoff Ryan as a special guest - and then he shared in a word from God during our chapel service! My thoughts were provoked in class by the discussion around "Church Health vs. Community Health" and then again in chapel when he spoke about communion. God's spirit moved in my life today - and no- i'm not about to share my indepth feelings with the entire world - but I will say - I'm continually amazed with what God can do in your life if you are open to his promptings!

This afternoon in organizational leadership we got on the topic of women leadership in the army. And of course we had many different opinions! Apparently we will discuss this issue much more next semester - I am eager to continue this discussion! Then I began thinking about my own life...not only am I a married women(part of class discussion)...but I am also very young....will this be held against me? Will this hold me back for the next 20 years until I am seen as a "mature" leader? Will this cause the appointment board to second guess the options that are open for me at this point in my life? I certainly hope not! yet at the same time I do realize that I am young - that I do have a lot of potential - that I try to have a teachable spirit - and that 20 years I will be much more of a "mature" leader than I am right now! God has definitely been faithful in my call to officership...he has provided me with the strength I needed to show who I am, he has surrounded me with a session who has been very encouraging with this issue (among others) and has also allowed me to further my leadership skills since entering CFOT. I will continue to put my trust in him - as he keeps making me into the married, young, woman leader he wants me to be!


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