Ashley's Place!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday October 09/06

Yesterday at W.E. we had another lovely service - being thankful for the times that God has comes alongside us in our lives. Mj. Armstrong spoke about raising our Ebenezer and had visuals of large stones placed on either side of the pulpit (I was reminded again to be creative in my sermons as people learn and remember in different ways). As I reflected upon my own life in the appeal time I was truly thankful for times in my life such as music camps, youth councils, and YC Newfoundland, all of which I attended for many years. I realized that without these events I may not be where I am at this point in my life, it was during these gatherings that God really came alongside and encouraged me, provided me with new/rekindled Christian friendship, and revealed himself to me in new ways.

I was also thankful yesterday to be invited to the Holland's for Thanksgiving Dinner with the Crabb's and the Braye's. The Turkey was homemade buns turned out great...Nancy's chocolate cake was to die for...Wendy's apple pie was awesome, complete with sugar sprinkled over the top! MMMmmmm. We concluded the evening with a game of "Scene it" I wonder who suggested we play that??? haha!

Anywho, today I'm trying to do a little research for my NT paper as my goal is to actually have the paper complete by Tuesday night! Hopefully I'll get the chance to pop over to the Swan's house this afternoon....

Happy Thanksgiving to my family who is eating my Mom's yummy turkey dinner today, after all, no one cooks like mom...right?? Credit must also be given to my dad as he is the official turkey carver, and cleaner-upper (if that's even a word! haha) Love you all!


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