Ashley's Place!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wednesday January 17, 2007

A big special "Thank you" to Edi for sharing with us in Chapel this morning. Many times in my life I have seen the pictures and video segments of war torn countries, and children growing up in these areas...but hear those stories from someone who actually lived to tell his story was amazing! Edi was a perfect picture of God's mercy, grace and love! It was moving to once again be reminded of our brothers and sisters in Christ who suffer each and every day, who literally live in the moment as they don't know if another will follow - we must remember to lift the body of Christ up in prayer - it is the least we can do.



  • Hi!!!
    thanks for your message. i'm sorry you guys had to go back to college. i really will miss you here. i just got back yesterday. anyway, you REALLY need to check out my latest it now! there's some news on it...

    By Blogger fee, At 11:22 AM  

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